Here's a moving sushi belt in a sushi restaurant script template for you to use in your stories!
1. Download these overlays and upload them to your account using their exact names:
2. Enter your characters' names into the text boxes above and click 'Generate Script'
3. Click the "Copy All Code" button below.
4. Paste the code into your Episode script.
5. Enjoy using this spot template in your stories!
INT. SUSHI RESTAURANT OL - NIGHT with SUSHIBELT in zone 3 with SUSHIBELTBASE in zone 3 @zoom reset @cut to zone 3 @overlay SUSHIBELT shifts to 0 0 in 0 in zone 3 &overlay SUSHIBELT shifts to -960 0 in 12 in zone 3 then overlay SUSHIBELT shifts to 0 0 in 0 in zone 3 loop infinite times @CHARACTER1 spot 1.217 93 89 AND CHARACTER1 faces right @CHARACTER2 spot 1.208 219 117 AND CHARACTER2 faces left @CHARACTER1 starts idle_sit_neutral_loop @CHARACTER2 starts idle_sit_neutral_loop @transition fade in black 2 @zoom on 770 243 to 123% in 2 using easeinout @speechbubble is 137 249 to 100% with tail_top_left CHARACTER1 (talk_sit_neutral_loop) Your dialogue goes here. @CHARACTER1 starts idle_sit_neutral_loop @speechbubble is 187 274 to 100% with tail_top_right CHARACTER2 (talk_sit_neutral_loop) Your dialogue goes here. @CHARACTER2 starts idle_sit_neutral_loop @zoom on 689 330 to 205% in 0 @speechbubble is 181 200 to 100% with tail_top_left CHARACTER1 (talk_sit_neutral_loop) Your zoomed in dialogue goes here. @CHARACTER1 starts idle_sit_neutral_loop @zoom on 874 330 to 205% in 0 @speechbubble is 172 237 to 100% with tail_top_right CHARACTER2 (talk_sit_neutral_loop) Your zoomed in dialogue goes here. @CHARACTER2 starts idle_sit_neutral_loop @zoom on 770 243 to 123% in 0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_sit_neutral_loop @CHARACTER2 starts idle_sit_neutral_loop @transition fade out black 3 INT. BLACK - NIGHT @pause for a beat