Here's a free simple dressing game for you guys to use in your ink stories! Simply enter your main character's name into the text box, click 'generate script' and copy the code to your clipboard!
INT. TEEN SISTER'S BEDROOM - DAY #You can change the background above to any background you like! @cut to zone 2 @CHARACTER1 stands screen center AND CHARACTER1 faces right @CHARACTER1 starts idle_happy @pause for 3 label dressing_game CHARACTER1 (What should I wear today?) choice "Outfit 1"{ @CHARACTER1 walks to upscreen left in zone 3 @CHARACTER1 changes into MC_outfit1 #Change the word MC_outfit1 to whatever your first outfit's filename is - e.g. RACHEL_smart_casual } "Outfit 2"{ @CHARACTER1 walks to upscreen left in zone 3 @CHARACTER1 changes into MC_outfit2 #Change the word MC_outfit2 to whatever your second outfit's filename is - e.g. RACHEL_winter_clothes } "Outfit 3"{ @CHARACTER1 walks to upscreen left in zone 3 @CHARACTER1 changes into MC_outfit3 #Change the word MC_outfit3 to whatever your third outfit's filename is - e.g. RACHEL_workout_gear } @CHARACTER1 walks to screen center in zone 2 @pause for a beat CHARACTER1 (think) (Shall I wear this or try something else?) choice "Wear this outfit."{ CHARACTER1 (head_bob) (This is perfect!) } "Try something else."{ goto dressing_game } @CHARACTER1 exits left