HomeScript Templates

Looping Horse Script Template (Forest)

Looping Horse Script Template (Forest)

Here's a looping horse riding through a forest script template for you to use in your stories!

1. Download these overlays and upload them to your account using their exact names:
3. Enter your characters' names into the text boxes above, taking note that CHARACTER3 should be your horse's name, and click 'Generate Script'
4. Click the "Copy All Code" button below.
5. Paste the code into your Episode script.
7. Enjoy using this spot template in your stories!


@CHARACTER1 spot 0.606 151 239 in zone 1 AND CHARACTER1 faces right
@CHARACTER1 moves to layer 4
@CHARACTER2 spot 0.578 146 250 in zone 1 AND CHARACTER2 faces right
@CHARACTER2 moves to layer 3

@CHARACTER1 starts ride_horse_gallop_serious_loop AND CHARACTER2 starts ride_horse_gallop_passenger_happy_loop

@CHARACTER3 spot 0.641 143 229 in zone 1 AND CHARACTER3 faces right
@CHARACTER3 starts gallop_loop
@CHARACTER3 moves to layer 2

@overlay LEAF create
&overlay LEAF opacity 1
&overlay LEAF shifts to 340 200 in zone 1
&overlay LEAF scales to 0.640 0.640
&overlay LEAF moves to layer 5
&overlay LEAF shifts to -41 230 in zone 1 in 0.3 then overlay LEAF shifts to 340 200 in zone 1 in 0 then overlay LEAF shifts to 340 200 in zone 1 in 0.6 loop infinite times
&overlay LEAF rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0.4 then overlay LEAF rotates -360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0 loop infinite times

@overlay LEAF2 create from LEAF
&overlay LEAF2 opacity 1
&overlay LEAF2 shifts to 340 300 in zone 1
&overlay LEAF2 scales to 0.440 0.440
&overlay LEAF2 moves to layer 5
&overlay LEAF2 shifts to -41 350 in zone 1 in 0.2 then overlay LEAF2 shifts to 340 300 in zone 1 in 0 then overlay LEAF2 shifts to 340 300 in zone 1 in 1.2 loop infinite times
&overlay LEAF2 rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0.4 then overlay LEAF2 rotates -360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0 loop infinite times

@overlay LEAF3 create from LEAF
&overlay LEAF3 opacity 1
&overlay LEAF3 shifts to 340 270 in zone 1
&overlay LEAF3 scales to 0.240 0.240
&overlay LEAF3 moves to layer 5
&overlay LEAF3 shifts to -41 290 in zone 1 in 0.1 then overlay LEAF3 shifts to 340 270 in zone 1 in 0 then overlay LEAF3 shifts to 340 270 in zone 1 in 1 loop infinite times
&overlay LEAF3 rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0.4 then overlay LEAF3 rotates -360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0 loop infinite times

@overlay LEAF4 create from LEAF
&overlay LEAF4 opacity 1
&overlay LEAF4 shifts to 340 320 in zone 1
&overlay LEAF4 scales to 0.340 0.340
&overlay LEAF4 moves to layer 5
&overlay LEAF4 shifts to -41 310 in zone 1 in 0.15 then overlay LEAF4 shifts to 340 320 in zone 1 in 0 then overlay LEAF4 shifts to 340 320 in zone 1 in 2 loop infinite times
&overlay LEAF4 rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0.4 then overlay LEAF4 rotates -360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0 loop infinite times

@overlay FORESTLOOPINGFRONT opacity 1
@overlay FORESTLOOPINGFRONT shifts to 0 0
@overlay FORESTLOOPINGFRONT scales to 1 1
@overlay FORESTLOOPINGFRONT moves to layer 7

&overlay FORESTLOOPINGFRONT shifts to -960 0 in 0.7 then overlay FORESTLOOPINGFRONT shifts to 0 0 in 0 loop infinite times

@overlay FORESTLOOPINGMIDDLE opacity 1
@overlay FORESTLOOPINGMIDDLE shifts to 0 0
@overlay FORESTLOOPINGMIDDLE scales to 1 1
@overlay FORESTLOOPINGMIDDLE moves to layer -3

&overlay FORESTLOOPINGMIDDLE shifts to -960 0 in 2 then overlay FORESTLOOPINGMIDDLE shifts to 0 0 in 0 loop infinite times

@overlay FORESTLOOPINGBACK2 create
@overlay FORESTLOOPINGBACK2 opacity 1
@overlay FORESTLOOPINGBACK2 shifts to 0 0
@overlay FORESTLOOPINGBACK2 scales to 1 1
@overlay FORESTLOOPINGBACK2 moves to layer -4

&overlay FORESTLOOPINGBACK2 shifts to -960 0 in 7 then overlay FORESTLOOPINGBACK2 shifts to 0 0 in 0 loop infinite times

@zoom reset
@transition fade in black 1
@pause for 1
@zoom on 128 233 to 153% in 5 using easeinout

@speechbubble is 152 310 to 100% with tail_top_right

    Your dialogue goes here.

@speechbubble is 157 270 to 100% with tail_top_left

    Your dialogue goes here.

&zoom on 0 233 to 153% in 3 using easebackin
@pause for 2
@transition fade out black 1

@speechbubble reset
@zoom reset


@pause for a beat



Alison Renee Stone,1,Alley,15,Animals,9,Announcements,8,Arcade,5,Author Interviews,6,Autumn,12,Background Factory,84,Backgrounds,891,Balcony,9,Ballroom,9,Bar,15,Basement,3,Bathroom,29,Beach,21,Bedroom,131,Black Jack,2,Body Effects,4,Bridge,6,Building,26,Cafe,2,Car,41,Carnival,12,Castle,8,Charlotte Palmer Evans,15,Chase Jacobs,1,Christmas,8,Cinema,2,City,16,Classroom,14,Closet,3,Club,15,Coffee Shop,8,Competition,7,Cora Harris,2,Cora Jones,162,Courtroom,2,Creator's Contest Winners,1,Creatures,4,Cyberpunk,187,Day,667,Decor,4,Diner,7,Dmaland,1,Docks,2,Dungeon,4,Dusk,3,Dx.edts,9,Dystopian,37,Ember Edwards,3,Entrance,6,Epy Elegance,7,Epyy Emma,3,Exterior,317,Extra,1,Fall,2,Fan Art,8,Fantasy,66,Feature Friday,4,Fence,1,Fireworks,1,Flowers,1,Food,6,Forest,15,Foyer,1,Freckles,12,Funeral,2,Funicidal,44,Furniture,7,Gallery,9,Garden,7,Guides,1,Gym,12,Halloween,2,Hallway,23,Horror,10,Hospital,29,Hotel,6,House,73,Ink,15,Instruments,2,Interior,574,J Miley,104,Jail,6,Jordan,93,Joseph Evans,50,Josie J,8,Juvie,1,Katrine,13,Kitchen,32,Lara,3,Lara-Jane Johnston,28,Laundry,4,Lauren K,1,Leilak,3,Leon Lionfang,1,Lexielle,4,Library,8,Limbs,68,Limelight,20,Living Room,75,London,9,Margo Vincent,2,Medieval,11,Music,1,Mystery,6,News,35,Night,221,Objects,13,Office,47,Over Shoulder,6,Overlays,395,Party,6,Phoenix Faraday,2,Phones,49,Picnic,1,Plane,12,Playthroughs,14,Police,9,Pool,6,Pretty Little Liars,2,Prison,8,Profiles,1,Radhika,6,Rain Riverton,5,Reception,2,Restaurant,15,Road,6,Ruins,1,School,52,Sci Fi,28,Script Templates,24,Security,3,Shara,26,Shop,36,Sid,4,Sky Summerstone,3,Slider,51,Soulbound,3,Special Fx,8,Sports,7,Sri.episode,11,Starx bgs,16,Stephanie Vb,14,Store,2,Stories Under 10k Reads,10,Stories Under 5k Reads,14,Story Reviews,7,Street,51,Subway,6,Summer,10,Sylvia Eve,2,Tamara,2,Tara Explains,1,Tea of the Week,1,The Ember Effect,3,The Phoenix Prophecy,2,The Secret of Rain,5,Therese,47,Thorne Art Studio,12,Tiffany Quinn,2,Tips and Tricks,9,Toilet,1,Townhouse,5,Tutorials,35,Underwater,10,Valentines,3,Veronica,3,Victorian,5,Warning Messages,2,Xaeni,73,Yoga,3,Yulya,13,Ziyaxrain,1,
Episode Life: Looping Horse Script Template (Forest)
Looping Horse Script Template (Forest)
Episode Life
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