Here's a rural road motorbike/motorcycle spot directing template for you to use in your stories!
1. Download these overlays and upload them to your account using their exact names:
2. Download any of these extra bike colors if you want to use them, then upload them to your account using their exact names, otherwise the bike will be black by default:
3. Enter your characters' names into the text boxes above, and click 'Generate Script'
4. Click the "Copy All Code" button below.
5. Paste the code into your Episode script.
6. If you want to use a different bike color, simply change all instances of MOTORBIKEBLACK to the name of the bike overlay you want to use, eg. MOTORBIKEBLUE or MOTORBIKEYELLOW.
7. Enjoy using this spot template in your stories!
EXT. MANHATTAN SKYLINE - NIGHT @CHARACTER1 spot 0.588 166 219 in zone 1 AND CHARACTER1 faces right @CHARACTER1 moves to layer 3 @CHARACTER2 spot 0.578 165 222 in zone 1 AND CHARACTER2 faces right @CHARACTER2 moves to layer 2 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_ride_horse_neutral_loop AND CHARACTER2 starts idle_ride_horse_passenger_neutral_loop @overlay MOTORBIKEBLACK create &overlay MOTORBIKEBLACK opacity 1 &overlay MOTORBIKEBLACK shifts to -26 101 in zone 1 &overlay MOTORBIKEBLACK scales to 0.352 0.352 &overlay MOTORBIKEBLACK moves to layer 1 @overlay MOTORBIKEWHEEL create &overlay MOTORBIKEWHEEL opacity 1 &overlay MOTORBIKEWHEEL shifts to 232 162 in zone 1 &overlay MOTORBIKEWHEEL scales to 0.424 0.424 &overlay MOTORBIKEWHEEL moves to layer 0 @overlay MOTORBIKEWHEEL2 create from MOTORBIKEWHEEL &overlay MOTORBIKEWHEEL2 opacity 1 &overlay MOTORBIKEWHEEL2 shifts to 58 164 in zone 1 &overlay MOTORBIKEWHEEL2 scales to 0.424 0.424 &overlay MOTORBIKEWHEEL2 moves to layer -1 &overlay MOTORBIKEWHEEL rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0.15 then overlay MOTORBIKEWHEEL rotates -360 anchor point 0.2 0.2 in 0 loop infinite times &overlay MOTORBIKEWHEEL2 rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0.15 then overlay MOTORBIKEWHEEL2 rotates -360 anchor point 0.2 0.2 in 0 loop infinite times @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGBACK create @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGBACK opacity 1 @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGBACK shifts to 0 0 @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGBACK scales to 1 1 @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGBACK moves to layer -4 &overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGBACK shifts to -960 0 in 15 then overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGBACK shifts to 0 0 in 0 loop infinite times @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGFRONT create @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGFRONT opacity 1 @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGFRONT shifts to 0 0 @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGFRONT scales to 1 1 @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGFRONT moves to layer -2 &overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGFRONT shifts to -960 0 in 1.2 then overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGFRONT shifts to 0 0 in 0 loop infinite times @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGMIDDLE create @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGMIDDLE opacity 1 @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGMIDDLE shifts to 0 0 @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGMIDDLE scales to 1 1 @overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGMIDDLE moves to layer -3 &overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGMIDDLE shifts to -960 0 in 7 then overlay RURALDAYLOOPINGMIDDLE shifts to 0 0 in 0 loop infinite times &overlay MOTORBIKEBLACK shifts to -26 100 in zone 1 in 0.03 then overlay MOTORBIKEBLACK shifts to -26 100.5 in zone 1 in 0.03 loop infinite times sound motorcycle_start music motorcycle_loop @zoom on 320 217 to 201% in 0 &zoom on 167 217 to 201% in 5 using easebackout @transition fade in black 0.5 @pause for 4.5 @zoom on 153 268 to 279% in 2 using easeinout @pause for 0.5 @speechbubble is 159 280 to 100% with tail_top_right CHARACTER1 (talk_idle_ride_horse_neutral_loop) Your dialogue goes here. @CHARACTER1 starts idle_ride_horse_neutral_loop @speechbubble is 139 244 to 100% with tail_top_left CHARACTER2 (talk_idle_ride_horse_passenger_neutral_loop) Your dialogue goes here. @CHARACTER2 starts idle_ride_horse_passenger_neutral_loop @zoom on 167 217 to 201% in 2 using easeinout &zoom on 0 217 to 201% in 2 using easebackin @pause for 1 @transition fade out black 0.5 music off INT. BLACK - NIGHT @pause for a beat