Oh ma days, Episode has just announced ANOTHER new art release! WHAT?! Is it just me or are these releases happening more often these days? Not that I'm complaining mind, I'm more low key impressed!
This time it's all about the specs appeal and looking sharp with some snazzy eyewear! There is a huge list of styles and each style has a number of different colours too, ok Episode, we see you.
With styles ranging from the ever popular geek/nerdy chic, to aviator, to rimless glasses, there is a style to suit everyone. Though I have to say, not sure why there are less choices of glasses for the guys compared to the females, but tbf what do I know! I'm sure there's legit reasoning behind it.
As always I'll leave the full list down below for your viewing pleasure!
Limelight Female
Thick Rectangle Glasses Plastic Clear
Thick Rectangle Glasses Plastic Wood Grain
Thick Rectangle Glasses Plastic Turtle Shell
Thick Rectangle Glasses Plastic Pink
Thin Round Rim Glasses Metal Silver
Thin Round Rim Glasses Metal Black
Goggles Aviator Cosplay Plastic Green Neon
Goggles Aviator Cosplay Plastic Checkered
Goggles Aviator Cosplay Plastic Black Red
Goggles Aviator Cosplay Plastic Black Orange
Goggles Aviator Cosplay Plastic Antique Gold
Thin Rimless Glasses Plastic Brown
Thick Rectangle Glasses Plastic Metal Black
Thin Round Rim Glasses Metal Gold
Thin Round Rim Sunglasses Metal Gold
Gold Full Visor Sunglasses Metal Gold
Thick Framed Nerdy Frames Plastic Neutral Brown
Thick Framed Nerdy Frames Plastic Yellow Daffodil
Thick Framed Nerdy Frames Plastic Purple Organza
Thick Framed Nerdy Frames Plastic Orange Sunny
Limelight Male
Goggles Aviator Cosplay Plastic White
Goggles Aviator Cosplay Plastic Green Neon
Goggles Aviator Cosplay Plastic Checkered
Goggles Aviator Cosplay Plastic Black Red
Thin Rimless Glasses Plastic Brown
Thin Round Rim Glasses Metal Gold
Thick Rectangle Glasses Plastic Metal Black
Thick Round Rim Glasses Plastic Black
Thin Round Rim Sunglasses Metal Black
Thin Round Rim Sunglasses Metal Silver