Dripping Mascara by Genevieve Marshall. I'm sure many have heard of it, and I'm sure quite a few haven't but they need to! 😄 Dripping Mascara had me hooked from the very beginning....it starts out like your normal romantic drama story, but then she throws a twist in the story a few chapters in by adding fantasy. I honestly wasn't expecting that at all while reading it. But it was such a pleasant surprise and turned out to be the absolute perfect blend of drama and fantasy. The character development Genevieve created in her story is unreal, they become so alive to you that you almost start to think they are a part of your life or it's a tv show 😂 Genevieve's style of writing is very commendable - meaning, she makes sure words are spelled correctly, grammar looks good, uses eloquent and captivating vocabulary, and really draws your attention. Her imagination is inspiring to me as an author, and I'm sure many others. Another thing I need to point out is that her story is Classic. Now, Classic is a dying style but I feel like the style of animation should not define a story. People as of late have ignored stories because they aren't Ink. Dripping Mascara is definitely not a story to be turned down just because it's in Classic. I for one know because mine is in Classic, and I'm sure that makes a difference with how many reads I have. So to let all of the people know who don't know of Genevieve Marshall, the brilliant mastermind behind this masterpiece, this story is A MUST. 👏🏻💯 If you give it a chance, you'll LOVE it!
Story: Dripping Mascara
Author: Genevieve Marshall @drippingmascara
Review by: Jillian Baker @episode_jb93
Reviewer's story: I Am Three
Story: Dripping Mascara
Author: Genevieve Marshall @drippingmascara
Review by: Jillian Baker @episode_jb93
Reviewer's story: I Am Three